Scroll down to find free online time games to help with all aspects of learning to tell the time. There are games for matching analogue to digital clocks, starting with o’clock times then moving on to half past, then quarter to and past followed by five minute intervals.
Click on any play button and the game will open in a new window:

Telling the Time Game
At the start of the game you can choose whether you only want questions on o’clock times, half past, quarter past/quarter to etc. You have to choose the correct digital time to match what is displayed on the analogue clock.

Set the Clock Game
You can choose to set the time on a digital or analogue clock, and there are several levels starting with just o’clock times. As you drag the minute hand around the clock to get to the specified time, the background gets darker at night times and light in the day time. Make sure you choose the correct AM or PM setting!